Ms. Latonia Green, Principal
Magnolia School
I am so very proud to serve as the leader of Magnolia School, and I look forward to continuing the traditions of this great program. Our primary goal, as determined by the faculty and staff, is to lead students to the highest level of independence regarding their education, employment, and community involvement, in order to enhance their quality of life. We strive to ensure that our students are well prepared to meet their graduation requirements via the ACCESS Points Curriculum, and that they are well-positioned to experience positive post-secondary outcomes.
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· Enhancing Student Achievement
· Developing Instructional Experts
· Technology Integration
· Enhancing Climate and Culture
· Building Strong, Cohesive Teams
Team Magnolia is also looking forward to our transition to the brand new facility, which is slated to open in August 2025. Construction began during the summer months and is well underway. Our students have adjusted extremely well to the commotion surrounding this project, as our staff has maintained a focus on safety and learning. The first wall went up on October 15, which was a cause for celebration. It is humbling to know that each day of this school year will be the very last day of its kind in our existing building, so as a family, we are ensuring that we create memories that will last forever.
At Magnolia School, we set high expectations for our students, and believe that they will reach their goals through collaborative partnerships between parents, community partners, and school staff. I look forward to the work that we all have ahead of us, and I am excited about the things that we have planned. Let’s make this the best school year ever!